What is encoding scheme? type of encoding scheme.

 What is an encoding scheme? type of encoding scheme.

Encoding schemes are used to represent data in a format that can be easily understood by machines. Here are some commonly used encoding plans:

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange):- 

It is a character encoding scheme that represents letters, numbers, and symbols as a sequence of 7-bit binary numbers.

ASCII uses a 7-bit code to represent 128 characters including uppercase and lowercase letters, digits, punctuation marks, and special characters such as the dollar sign, percent sign, and ampersand. Each character is represented by a unique code from 0 to 127, which is equivalent to a 7-bit binary number.

The ASCII code is divided into several sections. including control characters, printable characters, and extended characters. Control characters are used to control devices and are not displayed on the screen, while printable characters are displayed on the screen and can be printed. Extended characters are used to represent characters from other languages, such as the Spanish "ñ" or the German "ü".

ASCII encoding is still used in many applications, such as email, text messaging, and programming languages. However, it has some limitations as it only represents a limited set of characters and cannot represent characters from many non-Latin scripts. As a result, it has largely been replaced by more comprehensive encoding schemes such as Unicode.

ISCII(Indian Script Code for Information Interchange):-

 It is an 8-bit character encoding standard used for representing Indian scripts such as Devanagari, Bengali, Gujarati, Gurmukhi, Kannada, Malayalam, Oriya, Tamil, and Telugu. It was developed by the Indian government's Center for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) in the 1980s.

ISCII uses an 8-bit code to represent 128 basic characters and another 128 extended characters. The basic character set includes the English alphabet, digits, and some punctuation marks, while the extended character set includes the characters for Indian scripts. The ISCII code is divided into three zones: the ASCII zone, the ISCII zone, and the extended ISCII zone.

ISCII encoding is still used in some legacy systems and applications, although it has largely been replaced by Unicode-based encoding schemes such as UTF-8 and UTF-16.


It is a universal character encoding standard that assigns unique numbers to every character no matter what the platform, program, or language.

UTF-8 (Unicode Transformation Format 8-bit):-

 It is a variable-length character encoding scheme that uses one to four bytes to represent each character in the Unicode character set.

UTF-16 (Unicode Transformation Format 16-bit):-

 It is a character encoding scheme that uses two bytes to represent each character in the Unicode character set.

Unicode has become the dominant character encoding standard in modern computing systems, and it is used in a wide range of applications, including web pages, email, text messaging, and programming languages. Its comprehensive support for all the writing systems of the world makes it an essential part of modern communication and information technology.

Base64: It is a binary-to-text encoding scheme that represents binary data in an ASCII string format. It is commonly used for encoding email attachments, images, and other binary data for transmission over the internet.

Binary: It is the simplest encoding scheme that represents data as a sequence of 0s and 1s. It is commonly used to represent machine code and other low-level data formats.

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